Brand Guidelines

Unlock Your Brand's Potential: Elevate your business with our comprehensive branding guideline packages. Discover the roadmap to consistency, recognition, and success.


The Creative Canvas Package is usually for small businesses or startups.

This package covers the essentials, such as brand story, logo usage, the brand color palette, typography, and basic voice and tone guidelines.


The Vibrant Visionary Package is for slightly larger businesses with more complex needs.

Along with the basics, this package includes photography and imagery style, more detailed voice and tone guidelines, social media guidelines, and guidelines for print and packaging materials.


The Imagination Infusion Package is meant for large corporations or businesses with a wide range of products or services.

They will cover everything from basic to intermediate, plus additional elements like different sub-brand guidelines, specific departmental guidelines, more detailed web and digital guidelines, specific advertising guidelines, in-depth voice and tone guidelines concerning different audiences, and even video and animation guidelines.

Brand Guidelines: A Foundation for Success

Our aim with the Brand Guidelines Package is to equip you with a user-friendly document that serves as your "brand bible". It empowers anyone working on your brand to easily understand and maintain its integrity, ensuring your brand's distinctive identity always stands out.

What to expect?

At Blank Slate Branding, when we create a Brand Guidelines Package - your Brand Blueprint - we ensure it serves as an essential roadmap that clearly communicates how your brand presents itself to the world. This comprehensive guide, between 15 to 50 pages, is designed to ensure brand consistency and cohesion in all mediums.

Within your personalized Brand Guidelines Package, you can expect:

Brand Narrative: This section houses your brand's mission, vision, and core values, shaping your unique brand personality.

Logo Usage: Comprehensive instruction on logo implementation, from size requirements and spacing to appropriate application, ensuring your logo always shines.

Color Palette: We detail your brand's primary and secondary colors along with their Pantone, CMYK, RGB, and HEX codes to ensure consistency across print and digital media.

Typography Guidelines: Here, we specify font styles, sizes, spacing, etc., that complement your brand identity.

Photography and Imagery Style: This includes guidelines on the selection and treatment of images that align with your brand aesthetic.

Iconography: Your specific icons or symbols, with their usage guidelines, will be highlighted to help create a seamless visual identity.

Brand Voice and Tone: This section defines how your brand communicates, resonating with your audience across different platforms.

Web and Digital Guidelines: We provide tailored principles for your web presence, social media, and other digital platforms.

Print and Packaging Principles: If applicable, we guide you on how your brand should shine on print materials and packaging.

Additional Elements: We take care of unique factors concerning your brand, from patterns to infographic styles, etc.

Check Out A Few Examples
